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We take applications on a first-come, first-serve basis, and the process takes approximately 3 business days.
Please note: our office does not accept incomplete applications.

To insure a timely processing cycle the following criteria must be met:

  • Include the property address and unit # (if applicable) you are applying for and the monthly rent listed.

  • The total income of ALL those applying must be three (3) times the rent (including co-signers income, if applicable).

  • We do a hard credit check.

    • Even if you recently ran your credit, we still would have to run your credit using our system.​


  • All persons over the age of 18 must submit a form of identification (including co-signers, if applicable).

    • Drivers License​

    • Passport

    • Permanent Alien Registration Card

  • All persons over the age of 18 must have a social security card or ITIN.

  • All persons who will occupy the unit MUST be listed on the application.

    • Co-signers must be listed as the main applicant.​

  • Provide 1 year of verifiable income:

    • at least three (3) recent pay stubs, bank statements, or income tax records.


  • An application must be filled out completely and signed.

    • The application must include contact information for your current landlord to verify your tenancy.

Qualifications considered, but are not limited to: credit score, income, and rental history

Common Reasons to be Denied

  • False information on an application

  • Evictions and/or Landlord collections in the last 10-years

  • Unsatisfactory references

  • Non-discharged bankruptcies


  • All persons on the application are held equally responsible for the terms on the Rental Agreement - if ONE person violates the Rental Agreement, ALL persons on the Rental Agreement are held liable.

  • Jervis Property Service, Inc. will not intervene when there are disputes between tenants that live together.

  • Make sure you have a clear understanding of your financial responsibilities before signing or making changes to your rental agreement.

© 2020 - Jervis Property Services Inc. - Todos los derechos reservados. Licencia CalBRE # 01481195


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